Read up on upcoming events in the butterfly garden and related venues, and find us in the news! City of College Station has a page dedicated to the Monarchs!|-1,12410917-124
Butterfly Garden at Andy Anderson Arboretum Creek [Bee Creek Park]
Plant a garden in your yard, or at your office. You choose!
Want more birds, bees and butterflies in your landscape? Pledge to plant for pollinators! We need more wildlife friendly habitats now, mor...
Plant a garden in your yard, or at your office. You choose!
Volunteers helped out at the Butterfly Gardens at Bee Creek Park during Community Planting Day.
A large group of volunteers turned up at Bee Creek Park Sunday to help plant a Monarch Butterfly Garden.
Sammi Hostra starts a fine tradition of SAIL [Sophomores Advancing in Leadership] from TAMU volunteering at the Gardens.
In 2016 David Schmitz, then Director of College Station Parks & Recreation heartily supported a citizen directed butterfly garden at Bee Creek Park. A Fall Planting date was promoted on KBTX by Butterflies in the Brazos, the A&M Garden Club & Monarch Gateway when they joined News 3 at Noon to promote placing plants and creating a Butterfly Habitat. Let us all sustain Butterflies in the Brazos at Bee Creek Park.
Citizens and interested groups came together with Dr. Craig Wilson, City Parks and Rec officials David Schmitz [CStat] and Bob Holmes [Bryan] to raise awareness about the Monarch decline with an emphasis on creating Monarch habitats in the Brazos Valley, to increase awareness about butterfly preservation and native plants for butterflies and other pollinators, and identify community partners for networking.
College Station Director of Parks and Recreation David Schmitz, Mayor Nancy Berry, and Dr. Craig Wilson Director, USDA Future Scientists Program displaying the newly signed Mayors Monarch Pledge.
Presenting information published by Dr. Craig Wilson,Ph.D. [Director USDA Future Scientists Program]; College Station resident Ann B. requests to be on the agenda of the City of College Station Council meeting and presents the following: "She would like the Council to explore the opportunity to re-
seed an existing project already underway, the Bee Creek sewer project, with milkweed seeds and wildflower seeds for beautification. She noted that Monarch butterfly numbers are dropping drastically, and she wants to help increase those numbers. She would also like to see an accessible walking trail for citizens and students."
After the meeting David Schmitz [Director of College Station Parks and Recreation Department 2011-2020 met with Ann and a plan to plant milkweed within the city was born.