The garden is open 24/7 so come by any time to weed, water, plant, and mulch! It is nice and cool in the morning and fewer mosquitos too.
Sign up to water! and contact us for water spigot access.
We are working on dividing the community garden at Bee Creek Park into sections so you or your group can "ADOPT A PLOT!". Keep your little area weeded, watered and mulched, and voilà - the whole garden looks good! Send an email to adopt now!
We are seeking donations of stone, brick, and other materials for creating a garden perimeter and decorating the garden!
Share us with your friends and family, on social media or in person. We're a great place for artistic photos and selfies!
There's room to spare - help us fill out the empty spots in the garden! Donate plants and plant them in the garden.
Donate money to keep the website afloat and fund garden additions and improvements!
Identify species on the "What lives here?" page. Send us photos on social media or email of anything new you see!
We have community planting days, outreach events, and volunteering opportunities for local groups and students.
Register your home or community garden on the Pollinator Habitat Initiative map to contribute to revitalizing the health of bees, butterflies, birds, bats and other pollinators!